Inner Oceans, LLC
Lymphatic Therapies


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After I had surgery and radiation for breast cancer, my surgeon suggested lymphatic drainage therapy.  I had the great good fortune of finding Julie Strassburger, and saw her regularly over the four years I lived in Santa Fe.  Julie is the most gifted therapeutic practitioner I have ever encountered.  She combines her intelligence, training and extensive knowledge with an amazing level of intuitive touch.  She connected with my body and its needs in a way I had never previously experienced and don’t expect to find again. Her lymphatic drainage treatments enhanced my healing, rebalanced my body systems, and helped tremendously with the fluid collection and scar tissue in my breast. She was also kind and reassuring and had some good suggestions that I implemented as I healed and recovered. Julie was an integral part of my healing process on many levels and I am eternally grateful for her. - J.H. attorney, medical specialty, retired


You contact something more than the physical when you touch me. - R.S. sculptor


Today's session was terrific...this is definitely my 'drug' of choice!!! - N.H., following breast cancer chemotherapy and implant reconstruction surgery


Pre-Session: “I’m about ready to kill my contractor.”
Mid-Session: “You just saved my contractor’s life. I don’t need to kill him anymore.”
-D.M., during a major home remodel


I can see between my toes! That’s the first time in over 10 years! - N.L.H., after first-ever treatment for primary lymphedema of the leg


I’ve been touched by the hands of an angel. - Louise L. Hay, author, publisher, inspirational speaker


I used to take 2 sudafed daily for sinus problems. Since Julie did lymph work on my face, I haven't taken any sudafed for 2 weeks!-P.M.


This (lymph drainage therapy) is the most relaxing technique I’ve ever experienced of all the bodywork I have received.  K.L., Massage recipient for 20+ yrs


One of my favorite things to do is coming to see you. - P.C., healing from Lyme disease


Julie,  I can't thank you enough for the lymphatic drainage therapy.  It opened my eyes to how important and overlooked this system is in maintaining one's health.  I had abdominal surgery several years ago and since then I have had swelling in my abdomen.  I just thought I was getting fat but what I didn't realize was that the surgery affected the flow of my lymph so that it would back up and pool in different areas of my body causing swelling and affecting my ability to release toxins from the body. Thank you so much for your amazing understanding of the body and how to work with it. Much love, M.C., Health consultant


I like how slow, specific and focused your work is. My gluts are usually too tender to be touched, yet you could really get in there and work them. - R.B., Chiropractor


That was better than chocolate! - A.S.


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